Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Click for full image.


Monday, January 25, 2010


CLICK for full size

Im really getting fired up about our upcoming show.Today it kinda hit me,Diatribe was a cool time and from then till now people have been hitting me up about doing it again.I really wanna come out with all guns A'Blazing.I think were doing a great job,this is a tough task to take on in a pretty short amount of time.Learning songs that have already been set in stone is harder then making fresh songs.We will be working on new songs,which i think will give us another head on the monster called "DIATRIBE"

ViNNiE 1-25-10

Friday, January 22, 2010

YouTube - anarchokaoscontrol's Channel

YouTube - anarchokaoscontrol's Channel

 Original singer Vinnie has an all new line up to provide the wall of sound.The new members are Mar on Drums,Diana Death on Guitar and Cherry Pits on Bass.
 Working on songs off the classic Aftermath album and
 new material.Watch for upcoming shows in San Diego
 and the west coast.What a way to start the new year.

YouTube - anarchokaoscontrol's Channel

YouTube - anarchokaoscontrol's Channel

Check out Music video's from SHITGIVEITS,DIATRIBE and
many more Punk bands.Watch killer SK8 videos of
BIGTIME Skateboards team riders and much much more.
Subscribe to the channel and get updates when new videos are
uploaded.Watch for band interviews,and scene reports from
around the world.Hit us up if you have any ideas or good footage
to include on the channel.